Quarmageddon Rules

As with any game, there are some issues with Quarriors!. One is the fact that is that it has an exclamation mark after its name and that keeps ruining my punctuation. Should I have put a period after the name in the first sentence? I don’t know but I am not going to stop. I refuse to write an article in which the name of a game makes me sound more excited than I am.

Shop at Noble Knight Games for Quarriors! - Dice Building Game by - part of our Full Inventory collection. New, used, and Out-of-Print. From the Hebrew Har Meghiddohnʹ, meaning “Mountain of Megiddo.”The word is associated with “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” in which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” gather to wage war against Jehovah.Re 16:14. Dice Building Game – Rise of the Demons. Home; About; Rules; Screenshots; Expansions. Quarmageddon; Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Terms of Service.

Another issue is that the game when played in its base format can be prone to catch-up problems. Some chick in your gaming group manages to scrounge up the funds to get 2 8-cost Wizards while everyone is stuck on 3 and 4 cost minions. If your army can’t match hers, she’s going to prevent people from scoring. Not only that – but when you score you get to optimise your deck (by removing weaker die from her bag, like the starting money die “Basic Quiddity” – similar to a Copper in Dominion), and so she’s going to be pulling out those wizards more often that you could as well. It’s a bit steamroll-y.

Quarriors quest of the qladiator rules pdf Quarriors: Quarmageddon removes the cards and adds in dice to the. Naturally theres more to the rules than that but not much but thats the.Home About Rules Screenshots Expansions. Home, About, Rules, Screenshots, Expansions.

Similarly, it was rare that you’d buy any die but the most expensive you could – as you could only buy one die per turn, you’d more often than not be in the market for a monster – why go for the little ones?

To counter these issues, the designers offered two fixes – which I support completely and think that if you’re familiar with Deckbuilding, you should skip to immediately.

The Totally Expert Rule of Culling

This rule from the booklet stipulates, “When you score a die, you can only cull the die that scored, and you can only score the Glory (Victory Points) from that die if it is culled”. Sounds… interesting from a Deckbuilding perspective, as you’re now deconstructing your pool of die if you score with them.

Worms armageddon rules

Generally this rule works though – culling the die means you can’t abuse an early Quiddity lead as much as before, and you need to think before scoring the big guys (rather than maybe using their abilities and bulkiness to shuffle the little guys through). It also puts the monsters back in the buying pool, so everyone can have a go with them.

To me it actually brings the game’s structure to a more familiar territory – as when this rule is played, a lot of the early game is focused on having a strong economy (like building your draw engine in Dominion) – and then when people start scoring their large minions, it starts to result in the same mad rush as when people buy the first Provinces in Dominion.

Advanced Capture Rule

This rule stipulates, “You may buy 2 dice instead of one in Phase 4”.

Obviously this helps diversify the options when you have a bunch of Liquidity – e.g. maybe 2 little guys with good effects are more useful to you than the larger minion.


This also helps offset the first extended rule – by letting you increase your dice pool even as you’re scoring.

Why might we need custom rules?

In the Quarriors! rulebook, after the Totally Expert Rule of Culling – it says, “It does tend to slow the game down a bit”. That it does.

Why? Remember, in the base rules, when you score you can cull any die – mostly, that will be your Basic Quiddity when you’ve got a good economy going. But – when you can only cull the die you scored – you still have all 8 of your Basic Quiddity flooding your hand every now and then, making your turns less effective as a result.

Seriously, look at this sucker – it has a 1 in 6 chance to be worth about as much as most other cards at their worst.

This die isn’t that great. Image downloaded from InteractivePainting ( http://interactivepainting.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/quarriors-unboxing.html )

40k Armageddon Rules

Dominion players will see this to be quite like the trashing of your starting Estates, and eventually Coppers – when your draw engine is good enough to stand without them.

The Rule of Culling, for all its merit, slows down the game by making it clunky. Let’s fix that.

Quarmageddon Rules

The Expert Rule of Efficient Culling

As a house rule, I allow players to cull an additional die when they score. They still have to cull their Wizards, but they can get rid of some basic dice too. This makes scoring in the early game with the Assistants fairly useful – and leads to some fun skirmishes as the game heats up. It also places a little more emphasis on the lower cost minions (like Goblins) – as they can push the Assistants through, before they (the lower cost minions) become completely irrelevant by late game.

Portal Balance Rule

This isn’t really related to the other issues – but I have noticed that especially in 2 player games, the player with the most Portal dice wins rather often (there are 5 placed in the buying pool, one player will get 2, the other will get 3).

Outlaw Armageddon Rules

As you can see, this card is a bit of a beast as it has a 50% chance to increase your draw by 2, a 33% chance to become a cantrip (replace itself with no harm done) – and the remainder makes you cry because the die gods are jerks.

This die is basically God. Image downloaded from InteractivePainting ( http://interactivepainting.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/quarriors-unboxing.html )

Armageddon War Rules Pdf

So my other house rule is that no player can own more than two Portals. I even keep it in for 4 player games because if the event does occur where someone manages to get 3 – there is going to be one player who has an awful time and has none, and the player with 3 still has that huge advantage.


Worms Armageddon Rules

So that’s basically it – I haven’t really needed to come up with any more rules as the game seems to work nicely after just those 2 with the Extended Rules.